
Sunday School: We start every Sunday off with Bible classes for all ages, young children through adults.

Sunday Morning Worship: We love to worship our great God together! We praise our God with a variety of conservative music, from the old cherished hymns to newer favorites, and then we enjoy a time of growth and fellowship as we learn from God’s Word!

Sunday Evening Worship: We love to be together. Most Sunday nights we come back together for an additional time as a church family in God’s Word. But about once a month, usually the first Sunday of the month, we move our service to Sunday afternoon, because we have a church potluck where we share a meal, and then spend the afternoon service in a time of praise and testimonies.

Wednesday Night Bible Study: The adults gather in the main auditorium for a time of in-depth study in God’s Word, followed by a time of prayer. The youth, grades 7-12, meet for a time of fun, and then a time in God’s Word as their own group. Our younger children meet separately as well, as they have Kids 4 Truth, which leads them in fun time of basic Bible truths and games.

Contact us if you have any questions